Jireh Joint Ventures exists to serve people. If you have a real estate problem, we want to help you!

Do You Have Terrible Credit and Can't Qualify for a Mortgage?

If you have terrible credit but want to be a homeowner, don't worry! Just call us, we have the perfect program for you! It repairs your credit AND fulfills your dream of being a homeowner!

Did you recently go through the throes of divorce and need a place to recover and heal? Let us help you find a refuge.

One of the most devastating experiences can cause a lot of hurt but more than that, it can rob you of your home and place of refuge. If you are struggling with this situation please reach out I would love to help.

Are you a self-employed individual that the mortgage system hates? We are here to help you secure the home of your dreams.

Many aren't able to qualify for a mortgage because the lack of W-2's or other documentation. If that sounds like the situation you are in, we have a program that can help!